Friday, October 1, 2010


I don't own an iPod. Yeah, maybe Conor owns all eight models in six different colors, but I have never purchased an iPod or listened to music on iTunes or made dinner on an iStove or read an article on an iBook, wait, I mean iPad?... i i i!

Okay, I did just buy a MacBook Pro. I've been thinking about purchasing a Mac for a couple of years now. Conveniently enough, I dropped our Acer two weeks ago on the hardwood dining room floor. Crash. As I continued my job search on our roommate's Mac I realized that I, too, could be a Mac owner. I loved how lightweight it was and how quickly it turned on and loaded. Gosh, what a great purchase. Yes, I love my new MacBook Pro.

It rained for two days straight and now it is sunny and cool outside. Finally, cool air. I swear it's been years. It was so lovely to sit indoors on the couch with a book, my new laptop, and Bella yesterday. We listened to the rain crash against the metal awning for hours. The basement is a bit flooded and the 'mums won't need watering for a few days, but the rain was needed and finally (hopefully) the humidity has come to an end for the year.

The two week countdown to the Baltimore Half Marathon has begun. Two weeks from tomorrow I will wake up, stretch, listen to some hard rock to pump myself up, and run my first half marathon. I am looking forward to the challenge very much. I am also looking forward to a break from all of this running...It's been a lot of fun and a great motivator for me to get my butt out of bed and my feet into my running shoes. It has also been a great excuse to wear spandex - man, I love feeling all sleek and sassy in my black pants and white running shoes!

I read recently that posts should be short and sweet. So, that's all. I'm off to enjoy the cool air and sunshine.

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