I spent yesterday completing an application for a Queensland Government position.
I Australianised" my resume and spent a few hours answering essay questions and completing an online profile. Conor poured Australian Tempranillo down my throat as I scrambled to finish my essay questions before midnight last night. I received an email response to my application this morning. Apparently non-citizens are not eligible to work in permanent government positions in Australia. (Where is the tempranillo now?)
Over the weekend we spent quite a bit of time out in the sun. Yes, I already have my first sunburn. Oddly enough, I did not get the sunburn from the afternoon I spent in Miranda's, Conor's supervisor, pool. Conor and I woke early (as usual, it seems) Saturday morning and headed to my new favorite coffee spot before hitting up the grocery store. We purchased supplies for a Greek pasta salad, went home and tossed the ingredients together, and then headed to the suburbs!
Miranda lives with her husband, Chente, in a gorgeous home about 15 minutes outside of the city. A large fence, strategically placed palms and flowers, and a stone patio create a secluded and tropical hideaway. I felt as though I was in paradise. We ate, drank, and swam all afternoon. I was introduced to several Brisbane natives and Australian beer. Beer is incredibly pricey (and not so good) in Australia. The equivalent of a six pack of Miller or Bud costs approximately $15. After spending a year and a half in Portland, home to more breweries per square mile than any other U.S. city, I can honestly say I will NOT be drinking beer in Australia. Vino, it is.
Conor and I spent Sunday playing in the sun as well. We had brunch in Brisbane's West End (similar to Portland's SE neighborhoods) and walked around the city for about six hours. We visited the Botanical Gardens and took a ride on the City Cat water ferry. (I am pretty sure that's when the sunburn happened.)
I spotted my first lizard. Yes, that's right, a lizard. As I was creeping up on the little bugger, I turned slowly to my right and spotted an even larger critter staring right at me! He was huge! Conor claims he has not seen a lizard that large since arriving in Australia. He was amazing (and terrifying)!
More news later on Flat Whites and Long Blacks.
Tomorrow: Mostly Cyclone (apparently)
Ordering coffee is a new challenge in Australia--can't wait to hear your take. I'm having fun reading your blog and keeping up with your adventures!