Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have yet to perfect the art of the job search. In the last 11 years I have, two, three, four...12 jobs. Although this number includes full-time and part-time positions, it's still rather high for a just barely 26 year old who spent 11 semesters (5.5 years) earning her BA and MS. What does all this mean? Am I poor employee? Do I accept job offers too quickly - do I settle for less?

Since arriving in Brisbane, I have applied for four jobs. Yes, only four. While the job market is only now beginning to suffer, there are still very few jobs available for which I qualify. Last week I watched my first "Hire Australian" advertisement on television. Great. 

The Australian government is not about to hire me during "these economic times", so I have set my sights on private organisations. Knowing very few people in Brisbane, it has been incredibly difficult to network. On my way home on Monday evening, I walked past an advertisement for "Servers, Baristas, and Managers". While I have jumped in and out of the service industry over the past 11 years (and 12 jobs), it is most definitely where I am happiest. I figured working as a barista again isn't the most glamorous position, but hell, why not for a little while? 

I emailed the contact on the advertisement and she invited me to "have a chat" this afternoon. I was under the impression this meet and greet was rather informal and informational. I was wrong. While it was somewhat informal, and very informational, it was definitely an interview. Apparently, I did okay. I begin my probationary training next week.

The organisation is called French Twist. They are a family-owned French bakery with several retail spots in the city and one cafe. In mid-April French Twist is opening their second cafe location, hence the need for additional servers, baristas, and managers. The bread and wet and dry pastries are all made in-house daily. (I ordered a few items for take-away after my interview - delicious.)

The best part about this whole situation is that I will be training to be a manager. The pay is decent and the location is unbeatable. It will take me five minutes to walk to work (if I get offered a permanent position). The location is also between our apartment and Conor's office.

Maybe French Twist will be lucky 13?

This post's recommendation:
Food: Khachapuri


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on the promising job prospect. I was watching "Saving Private Ryan" last night and while they are waiting to blow up the bridge at the end the singer you can hear over the loudspeaker is EDITH PIAF. They have a whole little conversation about it. I was very excited.

  2. Ditto what Anna said! I always thought that I wouldn't mind going back to the cafe work experience (I did it for one summer during college) if something were to happen. Your blog is great! (Anna reminded me this morning that I have to read it. She is right)

  3. please stop using phrases like 'take away' and spelling organization organisation. I understand that you are in australia, but you are american. that is all. ps. this comment is full of incorrect punctuation and i haven't capitalized a single word correctly.
